Since early December we've had so much rain that we have regularly gotten caught unaware in a shower or downpour. And, because we walk or ride our bikes everywhere, this has been quite the problem. Just this past Monday when I was on my way to school, I'd traveled the first few hundred yards of the only half-mile trip when the rain began. I therefore sped all the more toward my destination but sadly by the time I arrived only about three or four minutes later, I was so wet that my hair was plastered to my face, my tan pants were see-through down the front of my legs, and my backpack was soaked. Should have worn a raincoat! I angrily spoke out loud my frustration: "Lord, I HATE the rain!"
Because we've had some time without clouds and can see in the distance, I was able to capture a photo of Sangay--one of our closest volcanos--smoldering in the afternoon sky. What a beautiful picture. Sadly, the clouds began rolling and obscured the view a tad.
Today, Saturday, we've now been without rain for nearly 30 hours straight--and we've actually had sunshine. This is a huge span of time without precipitation and I'm so grateful for it. The kids all played outside the entire time and Doug was able to take a bike ride with a friend. Since everyone was contented and with friends, I was able to attend to projects at home without distraction or sad faces that said, "Mom, there's nothing to do," which here may actually be the case.
Sunshine is enormously important. I will never take it for granted again. (As I type this it is lightening and thundering.)
Blessings, kim