Wednesday, October 16, 2013

A much needed date

We were greatly blessed with some time alone to just reconnect as a couple and to debrief about how our experience has been thus far.  It had been over two months since our last date--not terribly long in the big scheme of things, but much had happened in that time period that we really could chat about and take inventory on.  So, we hired a sitter who lived right next door and kept in mind that on our compound there are a pediatrician, anesthesiologist, surgeon, nurse, and general practitioner.  If any medical emergency were to take place, they might be in better hands now than at any other time in their lives.  Best to take that date now while we've got this set up going.  So, got dropped off in Banos (ban-yos) and spent time there enjoying the sights.  Here is a picture above the city.  I'm in a sweater because though it's only about 30 miles from our house, it's up in the Andes Mountains and certainly much colder than the jungle environment where we live. 
While we were there we could see the volcano spewing some of it's contents.  Sadly I didn't catch the picture of the lava coming down the sides which we saw later.  Totally cool!!
Doug and I did some shopping a bit later down in the city and went to the Mega Bodega again where I had a field day buying tortilla chips, granola, pasta, and many other things that either we cannot get or that are outrageously expensive.  I also saw my friend Carlos the security guard there who just comes to life when you bring up his faith.  I wish I shined like that when I talk about God.  (I could, I guess.  It is a choice.)  Here's a picture of Doug with a box full of treasured items from the store.
We ended up going to lunch at a Swiss restaurant where we enjoyed Tomato Basil Soup and a Caprese Salad (tomato, basil, mozzarella, olive oil).  It was just what the doctor ordered.  See the smiles on our faces?  Oh, the joys of good food and good company. 
Just thought I'd share some fun pics.  Blessings, kim

1 comment:

  1. what a great looking couple! glad you had some time together - very important indeed!
