Saturday, November 23, 2013

International Day

Yesterday Nate Saint Memorial School (where the boys and Doug go to school) hosted an international day in which the kids presented all that they had learned about a country that that had had a month to research.  Their research was to include a poster, a costume, a presentation, and a some item of cuisine.  All the kids presented to their homeroom class and then they displayed their findings for the rest of the students and parents to see.  Sethy chose to research the United Arab Emirates where Doug and I lived for four years.
Doesn't he look cute in his white robe?  We used a pillow case for his hat and kept it on with a swim goggles band.  His poster took DAYS to complete.  Needless to say, we were all relieved when this day came to a close.  For his food item we made hummus in our blender and used tortillas as the pita bread.  It turned out fairly okay.  His other two friends shown here studied South Sudan and Papua New Guinea.
Jacobey chose Canada.  That was a bit easier to pull off.  I bought a hat at a friend's garage sale and he used a sweatshirt that we brought with us.  Jacobey served a cabbage, carrot, onion soup which was absolutely great.  His other friends here studied Brazil and Denmark. 
Darius' nation was Norway which is where Grandpa was from.  He asked Grandma and Aunt Dawn for a Norwegian prayer which he said in class. His poster turned out absolutely beautiful and for food her prepared pannekeuken (which I've forgotten how to spell; but it's a pancake) for his assignment. He spread mora berries and cream cheese on each of them and then rolled them up.  It was a nice flavor.  His costume was quite funny since he tried dying his reddish brown hair blond. 
The girls he's with did India and Cambodia.  I have to throw in this picture of the two sweet girls that did North Korea as their project.  Are they just the cutest?
Here's the group in all their attire.  We even had a boy who was born and raised here in Ecuador choose to do the USA.  He's the one in the cowboy hat and boots.  His food that he prepared was hamburgers and Coke.  My personal favorite was the boy who did Mexico.  He's standing next to Darius on the far right.   
All in all it was a great day and we all slept in this morning. 
Thanks for reading,


  1. Kim!
    I received your post card with your sweet hand-writing. I cannot tell you how delightful i felt reading your mail. I am so very grateful to God for my friendship with you. We dearly miss you especially last Sunday(thanksgiving) , we were reminded of Jacobi's testimony last year. Whenever I find time, I love to read your blog. And needless to say, your writing skills is excellent especially with pictures..That makes it more lively! Sure will convey your regards to all in church. The fact that you took time to write to me just melts my heart. Thank you Kim for showing a glimpse of our Father's love. Give our love to all. Jeremy and Jeby are doing well. We will be in Oklahoma for Thanksgiving for 5 days and will be going to India the second week of December for 3 weeks. My semester ends first week of December.
    International Day looks like fun! All kids especially Selah looks like she has grown up.
    Love and prayers,

  2. Joey and I really enjoyed these photos!!!
