Saturday, February 15, 2014

Learning, Always Learning

Here we are to another weekend and I'm ever so grateful for Saturdays.  This past week so many of my commitments were cancelled (either due to no Ecuadorian school, or low attendance, or schedule conflicts) so I was able to do some other things and was able to make sure I had kept up with my reading in the Bible.  Reading through the Bible in 90 days has been an adventure.  I am one-third of the way through and I feel that I've learned so much already.  This isn't the first time I've read through the Good Book, but it is the first time at this pace.  If you've not done this before, let me recommend it to you.  You will see things that you've previously missed.  And, some things will make more sense when you read them together as opposed to disjointed and unconnected. 

One other thing that I got a chance to do this week was spend more time with Debbie, our friend from Colorado Springs that works for HCJB (now Reach Beyond) and is the person that connected us to this mission.  She arrived in country a month ago and came to Shell last Sunday night.  Since her arrival, I've taken her to Puyo twice, we've had some lunches and dinners together, we've shown her the town, and the kids have introduced her to the jungle.  She LOVES it!  I've never seen anyone so excited about something.  She takes her camera, knee-high boots, raincoat, and one of our knives so that she can cut, dig, shoot, and gander at the most interesting things there.  I'm living vicariously through her--I don't really want to go in there myself.  She's come back with lots and lots of pictures, bananas, pieces of greenery, and even one story about where all the roaches come from--now I REALLY don't want to go in there!

Her being here reminds me to enjoy being where I am at.  She finds this place fascinating and that reminds me to do the same.  She did take some amazing photos of the humming birds that we saw on Saturday so I've included some of the pics here:
These guys are all only about three inches long--they are the greatest thing to watch.

Enjoy the pics (courtesy of Debbie!)
Blessings, kim

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