Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Last Day on the Coast

Do we really have to leave?  Each morning when we rise we can't believe that this is the Pacific Coast, the beach is nearly empty, the town is quiet, and there are no big hotels or restaurants capitalizing on the beauty of the ocean.  Perfect.  Yet, this morning, as it is New Year's Eve (Ano Viejo in Spanish), the music poured out of the speakers here in town starting at 6:50 am!  Not to be outdone, someone else cranked his up so we had dueling radios just before 7.  The rooster had been outdone but crowed anyway for posterity.  Amazingly Selah slept through the racket for a full half hour but the rest of us were done.  When we finally came down to breakfast, I asked Jasmin (our little teen waitress for the past few days) about the noise and she responed, "It's New Year's Eve."  Man, they start early.  Can't imagine what the rest of the day will look like.  I do know that tonight they'll burn papermache people and drink like fish.  We tame Americans have no idea what we're up against here.  Should be interesting.

Meanwhile, we are enjoying the last day of surf and salt and sand (and sun for that matter) before heading back on another 14 hour journey to the land of rain and bugs.  I'm sure when we arrive tomorrow night we'll remember quickly why we needed this excursion in the first place.  I haven't killed a bug in days--I'm sure they're lined up at home ready for the showdown. 

Selah learning what it means to play in waves.
The boys like puppies in the water.
The view from our little room.
The true highlight of our journey, however, has been the family that we've been staying with.  Isidro, wife Janet, and daughter Jennifer, have treated us like family.  We've taught each other words and customs from our home countries, discussed Biblical truths, shared stories, and laughed together.  If there was anyone ever better suited to hosting a family on their get-away, I'd be greatly surprised. Isidro's goal this entire time has been that we feel relaxed and well taken care of.  I'd say he's been successful.
I'm gonna cry like a baby when we leave.....
Thanks for reading.
Blessings, kim

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