Before I begin this blog, I have to tell you that the night before last I woke up and heard some of the hardest rain I ever remember hearing. It was so hard I thought about Noah and how hard the rain must have been that he listened to for days. Well, one of the teachers at the school owns a rain gage and she reported to us that we got, overnight, more than five inches of rain!!! Can you believe? We get SO MUCH rain here. This is a good testimony of that. I so wish I'd have kept track of it since we arrived. I'm sure I've seen in four months more rain than I usually see in about three years in Houston--and Houston is a fairly wet place too. Interesting.....
Yesterday Nate Saint Memorial School went caroling throughout the Shell community. They visited Hospital Vozandes del Oriente which is the hospital that we live behind. It is closing on December 27 because HCJB (the mission organization that we are with) has decided to release it from their list of responsibilities--it's been losing money for a few years straight. It is being purchased by another organization and will reopen on April 1. This is the small lobby of this small hospital. Darius and I went there this morning and it cost us a whopping $8 for a doctor's visit--we didn't even have to use our insurance card. 
They also sang at Missionary Aviation Fellowship (MAF) which is the organization that martyred pilot Nate Saint worked for prior to his death. They visited the Senior Center for those elderly that frequent the place. This is a picture of that visit. It's one of the nicest places you'll find in Shell.
Their final stop was to Casa de Fe. Here we're inside the Big House. Doug's kids are singing to my Casa kids. The adults in the picture are all missionaries that either work for Casa or are somehow affiliated with Nate Saint School.
They then walked up the hill to the Casa school where the kids age 5 and up attend classes.
It was fun hearing our kids sing Christmas songs in Spanish. When they got home later in the day they would all sing around the house these songs and it would make me smile. I can't remember a time ever when they would sing "Silent Night" or "Jingle Bells" around the house, but they sing those songs in Spanish when they're just hanging around.
It was great blessing our little community. Who doesn't love hearing someone make a 'joyful noise'?
Thanks for reading,
Blessings, kim
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