Friday, August 23, 2013

First Day of School

Jacobey, our normally very late sleeper, woke at 6:45, dressed himself, grabbed a quick bite, and decided to depart with Doug a full hour before he needed to.  As they were walking out the door, Darius awoke and got himself ready for the day.  Sethy, usually our early riser, awoke to a very different scene:  people gone, others ready for the day....what to do?!  He quickly prepared himself and was frantic to depart as well.  "Going" to school yesterday was an absolute delight for the Thompson boys (Dad included). 

At 8:15 Doug hosted the first "Chapel" at Nate Saint Memorial School for the 2013-2014 school year.  He welcomed the students and parents, since everyone is invited the first day, and established much of the years' expectations from the principal's perspective.  Before the group, he seemed comfortable, well-prepared, and downright happy--welcome sight after several months of angst and difficulty. 

Selah and I lingered a little to chat with other parents and to steal a glance here and there of our family members who were in a new environment.  We finally headed for home where we encountered shortly thereafter a neighbor who dropped off many requested items she'd picked up for us in Quito, and then another neighbor who came to lend a hand with something else. Twenty minutes before their arrival, I finally found the time to throw together a lunch for our boys who would be around for an hour. 

All came busting in, having run the entire way, with smiles on their faces as they began peering into the cabinets and fridge.  When asked, "How's your day been so far?" they each replied positively with many details to follow.  It was an exciting moment for a mom.  Doug finally arrived and reported similarly.  All meals were scarfed and then, much to our surprise, kids were ready to head out the door to run back to school!  They enjoyed it that much?!  That was an even prouder moment for mom and dad.  They apparently like their new school, teachers, and classmates.  Since there would be no one there to receive them, they were eventually convinced that staying around would be the best idea--though it was not their preference.

Everyone returned to school leaving Selah and I to our own devices.  We started on her kindergarten work, cleaned up around the house, and did some odds and ends.  Finally the boys returned from school and went straight to their homework.  It was glorious!  When all was done, they walked into town (two blocks) and bought themselves each an ice cream on a stick to celebrate. 

Doug came rushing in at 5:00, changed his clothes and rushed back out to go on a bikeride that he'd been invited for.  After almost two hours, he came home beaming with stories of things he'd seen and trails he'd taken.  Needless to say, he'd had a great day and was happy to report it as such.  That was a proud moment for a wife.  Ahhhhhh.  A long time coming too. 

So, at the end of the day, I've found some peace in handing over the responsibilities of education of my boys to others.  For six years I've homeschooled and have been the primary provider of activity, information, and skill development for these kiddos of mine.  We have loved it and have learned so much.  Now it appears that they'll leave with their day each day and he'll be the one to monitor their development and maturation.  Kinda nice to pass off the torch.  Yet, I'm sad to see them leave--almost a "first day of kindergarten" experience for me that I've delayed six years later.  No tears here but a similar sentiment.  I only pray that they'll love it all the other days ahead, and if they don't, they'll learn how to be great students and classmates anyway. 

Thanks for reading!
Blessings, kim


  1. So happy for Doug and your boys that school is going well and they are excited. I am sure you and Selah will find plenty to discover and learn.

  2. Hey Thompsons!!!! We are so sorry to have missed your calls. We ran to get my phone this evening but did not get to it before it went to voice mail. We tried to cal you back but it said it was Skype number. We have signed up for a Skype account but when we tried to call the number it said we have to have "Skype" credit.

    We want to talk with you badly!!! We've been reading the blog and looking at your photos. We loved Jacobey and Doug's message yesterday. It was so good to hear your voices.

    What is the best way to get back in touch with you???

    Missing you guys a ton!!

    Heather and the Kids.
