Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Our new home


Our home is a modest one-story ranch style house mainly constructed with cement bricks on a flat slab.  This sidewalk takes you past the front door and many colorful flowers growing along the path.

As we stand on the front porch, we can see the mountains in the distance just above the housetops.  We just discovered that we have orange and lime trees next to our house.  And bananas apparently grow just a few feet further away.  Below is the back of our house with a bodega (storage room) built under the carport. The ladder leans against the wall because the boys love climbing on top which they have fondly named their clubhouse--no worries though--there is a fence all around the roof of the bodega so they cannot fall off. 

Below is a picture of the kids' play area which consists of all the backyards put together.  It's an awesome area for playing hide & seek, green ghost, tag, and a multitude of other games.  I'm sure soccer, kickball, and baseball are also in our future.  We as well have a covered cement area where there is a permanent Ping-Pong table set up. 

Inside the house you'll find four bedrooms with Selah's being the smallest by far.  I took this picture standing in her doorway.  On the far left is her closet which is where she loves playing--like a miniature playroom.

This is the view from the opposite wall so you can see just how tiny it is.  She loves it though.  And, her friend Chloe gave Selah the pillowcase on her bed for her birthday.  It matches the blanket perfectly. 

This is a picture of our kitchen as I stand in the breakfast area.  Doug took the cabinet doors off of both sides of the cabinets so that the kitchen wouldn't seem so small.  Yes, those are dishes sitting on the shelves.  You can see too that our fridge looks as if we've been living here for years. 

The picture below is of our master bedroom.  Quite cozy with our favorite books and some candles on the shelves. 

This is the look from the other side.  The previous missionaries were the ones who made this place look so welcome.

Finally, this is our living room which is much nicer than I could ever expect.  The big red rug is where the kids play Tetris Link, Pit, Apples to Apples, and Lego.

I didn't include pictures of the boys' rooms since theirs were filled with unmade beds.  : )
Thanks for reading along.  Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to share more of the story.  Still no computer or phone in our house but we're hopeful.  It does make it quiet.  However, I have discovered a good Christian radio station in Spanish which has a nice mix of music (even some songs which I recognize which are sung in Spanish) and talk.  I listened to one pastor's sermon yesterday as I made dinner and he was quite good.  I was simply thrilled that I could even keep up with the language.
Blessings, kim


  1. Your home is beautiful. God truly does provide for our every need.

    1. Looks so homey already! Love it. Missing you, my friend!

  2. Thanks for sharing the pictures! We've been wondering what life is like for you guys. Thinking and praying for you often!
