Thursday, December 5, 2013

The Exterminator

Jacobey prepared himself well.  He was on a mission.  The compound was less than safe with these flying culprits around.  So, he covered himself with clothing from head to toe, shielded his eyes, armed himself with a huge blade and not one but two bottles of bug spray.  They wouldn't know what hit 'em. 

He wasn't gone but about four minutes and then returned with a prize in-hand:  the nest itself.  Mom and Dad were so impressed by their Rambo-like son going in to save the day and the neighborhood from wasps (as least that's what we think they were) that sought to bring doom and destruction to all who recklessly came near. 

This is Jacobey with a tree branch in one hand.  The very large ball suspended from the branch--the picture doesn't capture it well though--is the wasp nest.  In his other hands he's got his sheathed knife and a bottle of bug spray.  It was a proud moment in the Thompson home. Or son had planned a potentially dangerous coup and had pulled it off without even one sting.  A US Marine in the making?  Grandpa Juel would be so proud!

Sorry so short.  More later....
Thanks for reading,
Blessings, kim


  1. Man I thought I was looking at a Taliban member with Vans shoes on. I guess if you're an exterminator that's the proper work attire. Just don't walk down the street like that. JK. Thanks for sharing this.
