Tuesday, December 10, 2013


It's been a long time since I've been able to sit at home alone and blog during the day.  Today I thought I'd hop on the opportunity since everyone's up at school and I don't have to be there for another half hour. 

Yesterday was a special day for me.  Susan, my dear pickling friend, drove Doug, Selah and I to Puyo where we were able to secure my Christmas present:  a new bike.  After riding the ten-year-old neighbor's hand-me-down for three months, I had decided I really need something a bit bigger.  So, my sweet husband, who had scouted out a bike for me a month or so ago but gave up the search when I had insisted that no new bike was needed, knew exactly where to find one. 
Our friend Susan was kind enough to throw the bike into the back of her pickup truck and bring it home for us too.  I'm not sure if you can tell from the photo but my spokes are red.  I feel like a kid being all proud of my bike.  Jacobey hopped on it yesterday and told me that I have probably the second best bike of all the kids at school--well, that'd be neat if it weren't for the fact that I'm not exactly a kid.  Yet I am excited that the boys like my bike.  I'll probably pass down my old one to Darius who could use a bigger bike himself too. 

I'll throw in a couple of other things here too.  This is something I saw crawling on our bedroom wall last night:
And here's what Doug killed the other day on the floor near the kitchen table.  We're not sure what it is but it doesn't look friendly:
Today when Selah and I were at Casa de Fe, a new little girl was brought into our little room.  Her name is Camila and she is four years old.  Her eyes were wide with confusion and she spoke nary a word.  My heart broke for her immediately because I could tell she had no real idea of what was going on.  Apparently she and her two siblings were taken from their home by the police.  Their mom was still there but I'm not sure what state she was in nor what the reasoning was of the officers who brought her to the orphanage.  I cannot even imagine how she's going to process the next few days when she finds herself remaining at the orphanage and the rest of her life remains greatly unexplained. 
I find myself being ever so grateful for family and for parents that not only were able to take care of me but were willing to do so.  So many orphans cannot say the same. Lets be grateful together. 
Blessings, kim

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