Monday, September 1, 2014

Quito Part II

Our time in Quito about two weeks ago went so well.  These are some more pictures of that couple of days.  I had mentioned before that we toured the big cathedral located in the old part of Quito. 
From the top of the cathedral we could look out in one direction to see this slight mountain with a statue posed on top.  When we finally climbed down from the steeple on the one side of the church, we then walked in the space between the ceiling and the roof.  Here is the little catwalk that takes you from the one side to the other.  The walkway is mounted on top of the ceiling but is under the A-frame roof.  Walking across the walkway was not the hard part.
Going up the very skinny ladder in a near-vertical fashion, and then up another three ladders on the outside of the building which were just as vertical and skinny, was the hard part.
Afterward we celebrated a successful assent and descent by having lunch in this neat courtyard.  We had some pretty good Ecuadorian food and great conversation.
One of the other eating highlights of the day was when our friend Rebekah bought some treats from the street vendors and shared them with us.  The kids loved--and I'm not exaggerating--the boiled lima beans with potatoes.  They were really pretty good.  Afterward they asked me if I could sometime make this very dish.  Made me smile.
Thanks for reading,
Blessings, kim

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