Sunday, September 7, 2014

Simple things

I cannot begin to tell you how different this year is from how things went last year.  It's such a contrast from what we experienced previously. 

As I write this we have a well-stocked pantry full of American favorites (though we just ate the last of our Giardettos snacks--spelling?), such as Ranch dip and dressing packets, Cream of Wheat, Special K cereal, almond slices, Craisins, marshmellow cream, Andes mints, flavored oatmeal packets, liquid smoke, a monster bottle of Tabasco, black pepper, Italian seasoning, Kosher salt, Earl Gray tea, and three pounds of coffee among other things.  We knew what to stock up on to bring along.

In our fridge are the tale tale signs of a megastore visit while we were in Quito.  We have huge blocks of Cheddar, Brie, Ricotta, sour cream, cream cheese, and jalapenos; in the freezer were shrimp (we had Jambalaya the other day), cinnamon rolls, and frozen fruit juice for making smoothies.  I hate it that food is such a priority, but it's the simple truth.

The rain has been far less than it was in the spring of last year.  We've only had one really hard rain since we got here (a hard rain would amount to four or five inches in a few hours) and I've yet to get caught in it once.  That's amazing.

Since we already own bikes, we've not had to spend tons of time this year looking for some second-hand ones which would get us from A to B.  Thus far we've been able to get around really well and have not needed to walk as much as we did when we first arrived.

We don't have lice, the termites are only showing up in one of our doors, no big bugs have made their way into our house (though Darius spotted the largest caterpillar ever--the length of his hand!--outside on the driveway), and we've yet to see a snake, whether inside or outside the house. 

Our kids have reconnected with friends here and seem to be included on the vast majority of events.  They've taken journeys into the jungle and down by the stream, to the town park and have even gone today to play soccer at the local town sport complex with a huge group of kids.  Everyone seems to feel a part of something.  It's wonderful.

Doug and I have begun to work together again in a professional setting.  When we first met eighteen years ago I was his direct supervisor.  Today he's mine.  It's going well and I try not to flirt with him too much. : )

I joke, but the funny thing is that we see very little of each other.  When he goes in early, I stay back with the kids and vise versa.  When I stay late, he comes home with the kids and vice versa.  And while at work we really don't interact very much unless it's at recess time when we share a snack and engage in small talk with the kids while keeping our eye on the soccer game they strike up every single day. 

We've been invited to dinner with friends four times in less than four weeks since we arrived, and we've hosted our new single neighbor next door about three times as well.  We discovered a pizza place in nearby Puyo (half hour bus ride away) that sells pizzas 2 for 1 on Monday nights--this one thing has made my sweet husband more excited than anything else I've encountered here in Ecuador.  It took him a full 24 hours to get over the elation--the cheap price combined with the good taste was more than he could take.

I think the most fabulous thing we've had happen thus far is when our new German family neighbors let us know yesterday that we could borrow their car any time we needed it.  Can you believe?  That was so kind and aware of them.  It would be wonderful to be able to go on some of the amazing hikes that are close by but have never been able to since the bus route doesn't take us near them and we can get there no other easy way.  We may even find ourselves being more touristy in the coming months.

It really is the simple things in life that make the difference--especially when luxury is not an option.  One is willing to be thrilled with so much less......
Thanks for reading. 
Blessings, kim


  1. So glad to hear you guys are transitioning smoothly this go around- and with no major bug or snake issues (yet)! Also glad you have a little time to blog during your busy days- we so love reading about what you guys are up to! And the Monday night pizza sounds quite wonderful! Lots of love from Texas!

  2. Glad to hear that things are going well.
