Sunday, May 24, 2015

Why we go to church

While in the service today I contemplated why I decided to attend church this morning.  It was a funny thing.  I go to church just about every Sunday--usually only if we're in the middle of traveling or if the Lord has specifically told me to remain home will I miss out.  Yet this Sunday I went and then wondered why I was there.  Was I there to see people? to get my Sunday morning fix? to hear a good, convicting message that would spur me on to greater living? to teach or attend Sunday school or any number of other classes hosted by the church? to show others in the community that I am a faithful church goer? 

All good reasons but certainly not the best.  All reasons that are about me or about how I will be perceived by others.  If any of these are the reason we go to church, then we probably should just stay home. 

This morning the Lord pointed out to me that the reason I am in church is to worship Him.  I am there for Him--not for me.  I am there to focus on Him, to sing to Him, to learn about Him, to grow in my adoration of Him, and to praise Him.  My being in church is not about me.  It's all about Him. 

Yes, I will see people near and dear to my heart.  I will hear a message that will urge me to live a life more like Christ. I will possibly even serve others while I'm in the building.  But the reason I go to church is so that I will stand alongside my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ as I focus completely on Him and give Him all the glory and attention that He deserves. 

So why do you go to church?.......
Blessings, kim

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