Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Bible Club

On Wednesday afternoons at 4:00 the kids and I head over to the Iglesia Agua de Vida (Living Water Church) which is only a block from our home--praise God.  While there we join in with about 50 other kids and 12 other adults to engage in a Bible club which our friend Sharon established some years back.  Keith, the pastor of the church, leads us in a number of Spanish worship songs and then Sharon teaches a lesson from the Bible in Spanish--my kids are lost, of course.  This semester we're studying the Armor of God found in the book of Ephesians. 
Pre-school and elementary kids from the orphanage, from the church, from the compound (like us), and from the small town itself make up the group.  It's therefore a very diverse group and not everyone speaks the same language.  That sometimes makes for a very active crowd.

You would never guess that age or language was even an issue though when we head outdoors.  All the kids of every age, nationality, and tongue play so well; they have a grand old time together.  Here they're playing Blobtag in the large area behind the church.
Jacobey is as competitive as anyone else.  Today he reported to me that the same girl kept tagging him and he didn't like it one bit.  (I wondered if she just thought he was cute.)

Selah stopped just long enough so I could snap this picture of her.  She had people to tag, ya know.
Next they played something which required hopping.  Glad I wasn't a participant.  It looked way too hard and tiring.  They thought so too.
Darius, ever the fan of being photographed, put his best face forward.  Apparently his 'game face' is  one with a tongue jetting out.
No matter the activity, the kids have a blast and I laugh for about 30 minutes straight.  They run, giggle, slide, chase, and do just about everything you can imagine that would effectively get themselves dirty.  Sometimes it's all grass and mud and puddles which makes for an even funnier and heartier play time. 
In the coming weeks Sharon has asked me to lead the Bible Club since she'll be traveling visiting some of her own grown kids; she has six.  (She and her husband Rick took Doug and I out to dinner tonight for a little double date.  We had Chinese food and were very pleasantly surprised!  The bill was only $20!  We'll probably have to go there again.)
All in all, it was a terrific day.  One awesome thing was that it only took Selah and I twenty minutes to walk to Casa de Fe this morning, and 25 minutes to walk back.  Saving 15 minutes while walking is a big thing.
Here's one more cute shot of Sethy and Cobey after Bible Club. 

Oh, and one more short story.  Today when everyone was at school, I heard a dog yelping on my driveway--really long and really loud.  I peaked out the window and was horrified to see something long attached to the dog's body.  When it finally released him, he limped off whining.  I then timidly peeked out my door knowing for certain that I was about to see a snake of some sort laying on the drive.  Well, praise God that the only long thing laying on my drive was this huge thorny stick that must have embedded itself in the dog's skin.  Thankfully the dog was not filled with venom and this onlooker was not the recipient of yet another snake story.  : )
Blessings, kim

1 comment:

  1. i thought you were going to end with "the dog now lives iwth us!" =)
