Friday, September 13, 2013

Perspective part II

(If you  haven't read my post from yesterday, you may wish to see it first.  It's titled Perspective.)

Today Doug and I awoke to the most beautiful day.  There honestly is not a cloud around and we can see the two volcanos as clear as a bell--the first time ever.  It's wonderful to get a fresh start and a morning without critters slithering around.  This is Sangay and it's just gorgeous! 

The kids are still sleeping so it is quiet and peaceful.  Today we have scheduled a road trip to Banos (said Ban-yos) which I am greatly looking forward to.  I've been anticipating it all week mainly because in that town about an hour+ way, they have restaurants that serve more familiar food.  We'll even be able to get Tex-Mex if we care to!  We'll be able to find chocolate and other things not often seen in Shell. Upon our return I hope to post something of interest. 

I'll just share one quick story though before I go.  Last night when we were walking to our friends' apartment where we have weekly Bible study, we stopped at the little veggie and fruit stand I frequent.  I asked the young woman Diana, with whom I've become quite friendly, if I could buy some peas for the empanadas that we'll be making today.  She sold me those as well as four of the best looking mangos she had.  I told her we were headed to our friends' house to study the Bible and that we'd be looking at the book of Revelation.  She looked greatly interested and said, in Spanish of course, that she'd never tried to tackle that book.  I agreed that it was a fairly tough read believed it to be worth the effort.  She acted like that reminded her of something and she reached back behind her to grab a booklet of some sort.  When she turned around, she handed it to me, and I fully expected to see something of a Christian nature.  Instead when I looked down I discovered that it was a Tupperware catalog and she was eager to have me place an order.  I'm not sure why Revelation and Tupperware were connected in her mind but I was grateful for the surprised laugh that it produced in me. 

So much for trying to share my faith with her--strike one for the missionary.  : )
Maybe next time.....
Have a great weekend!
Blessings, kim