Saturday, September 28, 2013

Christmas in September

About three weeks ago I sent, via email, two lists of grocery items greatly desired in the Thompson home.  These lists were requested by friends in Quito (five hours away) who would be willing to shop for us at the SuperMaxi before coming our way to Shell. 

Well, after several readings of the Nate Saint Cook Book, and looking high and low all through Shell and neighboring Puyo for specific items, I created my list and began to salivate over such simple things like pickles, bacon, and Hunts Ketchup.  This, as I said, was three weeks back.

I had been slowly counting down the days and then, lo and behold, Thursday arrived and I was beside myself with joy.  Our friends called at 2:20 p.m. stating that they were entering Shell and wanted to know if I was willing to have them come straight here to drop off the goods.  Willing??  I was on my front porch, mug of hot tea in my hands, giddy look on my face ready to receive them before they even pulled up.  The van backed into the drive under the carport since it was raining and out came my friends with hugs all around.  Then they opened the back and there, amidst multiple boxes and suitcases were the treasure trove of goodies. 

We hauled every bag into the house, placed it on the kitchen counter and in the fridge, and then headed to school where activities awaited us.  I hated leaving my things.  So close, yet so far away.  It was very much akin to seeing presents under the tree without the permission to open them.

But, one hour later after the kids and I finished with school, we made a beeline for the house and tore into the bags like it was Christmas morn.  There they were....dill pickle spears....gouda cheese....Pace picante wine vinegar....sour cream.....tortilla chips....two whole packages of bacon.....goat cheese....Prego spaghetti sauce.....the industrial size bottle of Tabasco (which we'll polish off in a mere month and then need to search for it again)....three bags of almonds and two bags of walnuts.....two blocks of cheddar just perfect for shredding.... saltines.....Hunts Ketchup....the Ecuadorian version of graham crackers....balsamic vinegar....Barilla pasta.....provolone cheese.  (I'm sure as you read this, you were not halting with each item, considering well what life would be like without it.  We have.)

The gifts were open and ready to be played with.  Tortilla chips came first, then we cracked open the salsa, and all hands were in and out of the bag and scooping the chunky bit of heaven.  No one spoke.  Crunch.  Crunch.  Crunch.  It was delightful.  They wanted to open the pickles but I stopped them knowing it would be gone in a matter of minutes.  No,  I said, let's save those for hamburgers.  Yessssss.  We were in agreement. 

I then asked the kids to select a favorite item and hold on to it for this pic:

Lasagna noodles, bacon, pickles.  Joy.
Blessings, kim

1 comment:

  1. oh funny and not funny! love J's expression = priceless!
