Friday, September 6, 2013


Three times on Wednesday I found myself in full uproarious laugher.  Those times, for some people, are too few and far between.  Sometimes life gets way too demanding or the weight of one's troubles keeps one very short sighted.  Not the case a couple of days ago.  It was an interesting day....

We recently discovered that every Wednesday at 4:00 the kids and I will be attending a church gathering (a Bible Club) where the Casa de Fe orphanage kids will be brought, the church kids will walk to, and our missionary kids will run to after dropping off school books and backpacks. After singing worship songs in Spanish and hearing a lesson from the Bible (in Spanish as well), all kids ages four to twelve speaking two different languages will converge upon the church's backyard in to play a game of kickball.  When we played the other day, it was incredible.  No matter if you know the rules or not, if you can run or not (some orphans are disabled), are tiny or tall, speak in English or Spanish, you're welcome to play.  And play we did!  I watched in wonder as kids played their hearts out and everyone had a terrific time.  Sometimes the adult missionaries would purposefully miss a ball or allow kids to beat them to the plate. At one point Sethy ran full speed around the bases and then slid into home. This comes as no surprise because that's how he plays every game.  What I didn't expect was that Selah was going to slide head first, dress and all, into home plate when it was her time to round the bases. Her underwear may have shown, but she was safe, by George!  She may be a girl, but she's a Thompson through and through. 

Later, when we came home I headed straight for the kitchen to prepare dinner thinking that everyone had worked up an appetite. Meanwhile Doug went over to the maintenance department behind the hospital to return some large saws that he had borrowed the previous day.  (Our trees look a lot less jungle-y due to his efforts.) When dinner was all almost complete, I heard a familiar sound outside near the corner of our house. I stopped to get a better idea of what it was and recognized right off the whirrrrrring sound--he must have found more fun stuff to try out.  Sure enough, when I looked out I discovered Doug manning the largest weed-eater I'd ever seen, wearing a full face guard protecting the broadest smile imaginable. He was in his element.  He asked if we could hold off dinner a little longer so he could play till dark.  I suppose the request--usually uttered by the kids--seemed applicable here too.  Sure.  Enjoy yourself.  Dinner could wait.

Finally, just as I'm about to put things on the table because it's well beyond dark-thirty, Doug came in to report that the neighbor had discovered a creature on the edge of the compound property.  He wanted to know if we'd be interested in seeing it.  Sure.  Dinner's waited this long; what's another few minutes?  We rounded up our kids and all the neighbors' kids and had a bit of a science lesson.  This is what our brave neighbor brought over:


A five and a half foot long boa constrictor.  It actually was a beautiful snake and almost all the kids got a chance to touch it--those who wanted to anyway.  Selah was the first to give it a try.  Thompson through and through. 

Yes, we live next to the jungle.  Guess it was a matter of time.  Blessings, kim

1 comment:

  1. yeah, pretty snake but no thank you on touching it! haha! almost could hear your laughter (or strifle scream) here! love you guys!
